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Beginners Guide to Cannabis Terpenes

Nowadays, there are many controversies surrounding cannabis. From its recent acceptance for treatment of medical ailments, to its stigma as an addictive drug. Cannabis has had many scandals attached to its name. It’s gotten to the point where it has been politicized rather harshly in the media. Even so, the plant has had a long, beneficial relationship with humanity. Through its different forms, there are a variety of different uses for cannabis, especially in fragrances, medicine, and oils.

What are Cannabis Terpenes?

Cannabis Terpenes are organic hydrocarbons that are typically affected by oxidation or other chemicals. It is considered an important structure found in many substances, such as sterols and pigments. However, it is typically defined as a wide array of scented oils that help give products their sweet scent.

From the sweet, fruity aromas of blueberries and pineapples, to even the disgusting smell of Sour Diesel, terpenes comprise many different scents that we encounter every day. In nature, the purpose of this scent was to scare away predators, as well as attract pollinators.

This is because the terpene that emits THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, binds to cannabinoid receptors, which produce psychological effects when activated.

This can happen when these compounds can pass through the blood-brain barrier, and influence hormones such as dopamine and serotonin. As such, it is capable of affecting mood and behavior. Generally speaking, the FDA has often recognized terpenes as “safe.”

There have been many different types of terpenes identified over the years. Each terpene compound has a unique set of properties that depend on the climate they grow in, as well as their age, soil type, and the time of day. However, while these compounds are indeed impressive in their properties, their medicinal benefits is truly astounding, so much so we use these compounds almost every day.

Below are the most common cannabis terpenes people tend to use:

  • Alpha-Pinene
  • Beta-Pinene

Alpha-Pinene and Beta-Pinene are two compounds that have a different set of properties. The alpha-pinene is typically found in pine, and is oftentimes found in rosemary. When used in safe dosages, alpha-pinene can be used as a bronchodilator that can help patients improve their respiratory disorders.

The compound also produces anti-microbial properties that could help a patient avoid infections. Beta-pinene, on the other hand, is also included in pine, but is also found in herbs such as rosemary and sage. Because of this, beta-pinene can be used as a flavoring ingredient. Like its alpha counterpart, beta-pinene has been known for its anti-depressant properties and antibacterial properties.


Myrcene is a major cannabinoid that can be found in many plants, such as mangoes, thyme, and basil, all of which also serve as beneficial herbs.

Similar to its sources, myrcene is a helpful compound that can be used for relaxation and even sleep. Because of these qualities, myrcene is sometimes used as a sedative, assisting in soothing a patient so that they can recover quicker.

Myrcene is also known as a painkiller, and can provide relief from many illnesses so that the patient doesn’t have to rely on any drugs.


Limonene is yet another major cannabinoid found in many citrus fruits, such as lemons and rosemary. Because of its rich, therapeutic history, limonene has oftentimes been associated with stress relief, good moods, and even helps assist in the absorption of many chemicals within the skin and the digestive tract. With these benefits, limonene is oftentimes used as a dietary supplement and can be found in various fragrances. Even so, it can also cause skin irritation and is flammable.


Caryophyllene, or rather beta-caryophyllene, is a compound that is often associated with the endocrine system. While it can be found in various products, it is most typically found in peppery substances, spice, wood, and cloves.

It has been known to include a variety of medical benefits, including but not limited to an improved metabolism, a natural pain killer, and reducing inflammation. Because of these benefits, beta-caryophyllene can also improve the vascular system, and thus promote good health and an improved quality of life.

It is a compound that makes up many essential odors, and have been known to be in food flavoring.


Linalool is a part of the cannabinoid compound family found in the beautiful lavender flower. Linalool gives the lavender flower a very calm scent, and because of this, is used to reduce stress.

Like limonene, linalool has had a very deep history in human history by reducing inflammation and fighting depression. Even now, as scientists continue to investigate the compound, they’ve seen their animal subjects have less stress, allowing them to relax. However, linalool has more physical uses; it can be used as a mosquito-repellent, as well as an insecticide.

Using Cannabis Terpenes

There are many ways that you can use cannabis, whether that be smoking, vaping, or oils. Keep in mind that each of these different types will have different sorts of benefits and uses. Ideally, you can use cannabis by:

  • smoking
  • vaporization
  • ingestion
  • extractions

Remember that any patient suffering from any ongoing medical conditions should seek help in regards to using cannabis terpenes. However, should you have a doctor’s recommendation to consume cannabis, please be aware that your state may require a medical marijuana card, as proof that you do have the proper authority to use cannabis.


True blue is a term used to describe a devoted commitment to either a person, or an idea. When you start using cannabis terpenes for the first time, you may feel a bit concerned as to who you should tell, or whether or not you should even bring it up, especially if a medical professional asks for it. Because of the stigma surrounding medical marijuana, it may be hard to admit that you use it. This term can also be used for products; for example, knowing that the cannabis you use is pure, and not just something off the street is something that you have to know, because you want the benefits that come with genuine cannabis terpenes.

Cannabis terpenes have been used for many centuries. Whether it be for food, medicine, or even fragrances, there’s no doubt that cannabis terpenes have had a foothold in our society, despite the controversies around them. From delving into the different uses of cannabis terpenes, to even exploring the sensitivity of the issue, in the end, cannabis terpenes can be used for anything, if used correctly.

Best Dab Rigs of 2018

Best Dab Rigs of 2018

Dab rigs are a great way to smoke concentrates. They are essential to any stoner looking to use concentrates.

In this article I'm going to be covering how you can pick the perfect dab rig, and I'm going to be listing some example rigs that I own.

The truth is, with thousands of different glass dab rigs to choose from, it's virtually impossible for me to pick the best ones. However I'm going to be going over my top 5 pieces, as well as showing you where you can browse a huge selection of glass dab rigs.

I personally buy most of my dab rigs from SmokeCartel since they have a massive selection. You can browse their selection of dab rigs here.

How to Choose The Right Dab Rig

If you’re in the market for a new dab rig, and you’ve done any research at all; you’ve likely noticed that the market if flooded with various products to choose from. It can be overwhelming if you’re unsure what to look for when buying a new e-rig.

There are many different dab rig starter kits available, and in this article we’re going to show you how to find the best one.

Besides checking out the most recommended dab rigs in the market, it’s also important that you learn how to choose from the ones that are available.

Here are few things to look for when trying to choose the perfect dab rig for you.

Shape and style

There are many different types available that are suited for different users. If you would prefer easier dabbing, the banger shape is the most suitable choice for you. This is because it does not come with heat stress due to the long distance between the nail and the rig.

You could also go with the classic/direct injection shape, which is simple and does not require the support of a dome.

The most affordable option among all is the standard design, but this might need a dome to hold the vapors and send them down to the base.

Material and quality

You should also look for a unit that’s made out of high quality materials. The material needs to be strong enough to withstand the heat and most important not give off any unwanted chemicals (which is commin with low quality e-nails and vaporizers).

This is more a matter of choosing the right manufacturer, so when buying a rig you might want to consider getting from a manufacturer whose reputation is solid for making quality dab rigs.


To be perfectly blunt, despite what your girlfriedn may tell you, size matters. (lol)

Everyone has preferences when it comes to picking the right size. You need to look for a dab rig whose size is comfortable for your needs. This is also dependent on whether you would like to be carrying it around because some rigs are big and might not be good for carrying around.

The Benefits of Dab Rigs

There are many benefits to using a dab rig to dab concentrates, and their becoming popular with stoners for a reason.

Here are some of the obvious, as well as not so obvious benefits of dab rigs:

Many models to choose from

There are countless e-rigs on the market today, which means theres a ton of different modesl to choose from. Some models even allow you to mix components to come up with a custom rig of your own.


Well-designed rigs are safe to use for dabbing. Their also much harder to burn yourself with, compared to a traditional e-nail.


Dab rigs give you everything you are looking to enjoy including your favorite concentrates. They can be taken virtually anywhere since they are portable and run off a battery. Making them great for dabbing on the go.

Safety tips

You need to also observe safety precautions when using a dab rig. The most basic safety procedure you should observe is to ensure you properly light the nail with your torch. Pick the smallest torch you can get, and be sure not to overheat the nail. To keep your rig working well, you need to clean it regularly to get rid of the reburn buildup that can clog it up and overhead causing fire. Additionally, it is recommended that you should use a nail to avoid burning yourself. Lastly, use only high-quality concentrates.

How to Find the Best E-Rig?

If you are in the market for a dab rig, you should not worry about the wide collection available. You just need to narrow down your factors and you will easily locate the best dab rig for you. The list provided above is a good start and you could browse for more options using the tips shared here.

Be sure to read some e-nail reviews before making a decision, since there are tons of models to choose from.

Best Dab Rig Starter Kits on the Market

Having the right dab rig marks the beginning of an awesome experience, but you might have realized there are many available. This could be making it difficult to choose the best e-nail for your needs, which is why we’re made the ultimate e-nail buyers guide. Be sure to check it out.

Now without further ado, here are the top e-rgis of 2018.

Dr Dabber Boost

Currently my #1 e-rig that I use the most is the Dr Dabber Boost. It’s a solid little unit. It’s hella portable, and delivers some fat dabs. It feels like you’re using a proper e-nail, because the clouds you get are so damn thick. It’s also got full temperature control, and a solid battery life.

All in all, it’s a great unit and would be the e-rig I recomment the most.

Dab Ninja

The Dab Ninja technically isn’t an e-rig, and is actually an e-nail. However it’s so damn portable and works so well that I needed to include it. The Dab Ninja has been my daily driver for over a year now, and I recently upgraded to their newest model (which is dope btw).

It’s hands down the best e-nail I’ve ever used.

Therefore I needed to add it to this list.

Small Puck Rig

The Small Puck Rig comes from Nexus Glass and is available in rainbow colors. Although the rigs are small in size, they can pack quite a huge punch. The rig includes a 10mm polished joint located on its main chamber connected to a downstream that gives it an airy diffusion that every smoker enjoys. For concentrate use, you are added a 10mm female dome. It is the perfect pick for someone who likes to have a discreet rig that is also able to deliver powerful hits.




Of course there are many other dab rigs that are suited to different kinds of users, and this could be found on sites that stock them.There are way too many variations of glass dab rigs for me to include in this article. Click here to see a few more that are available in the market that you could buy.

I hope you enjoyed this article, be sure to comment down below with any questions you have or if I’ve gotten anything wrong in this article (I’m only human, I make mistakes too).

Peace and pot! <img class=” />

Which Type of Marijuana Vaporizer is Best For You?

With different vapes in the market, it could be difficult to tell which are the most suitable for you. Of course each individual has personal tastes and preferences that inform their opinions when choosing a vaporizer and this is what you should capitalize on to ensure you choose a vaporizer that will satisfy your needs.

At first, it appears easy as you may imagine it is only about replacing your cigarette with a pen, but things get more complicated when you go out to buy a kit because the market is already flooded with a wide variety of choices. What makes this worse is asking for ideas from experts, who will bombard you will uncommon terms that you will have to look up.

Instead of all this confusion, read this simple guide that will help you pick the right vaporizer.

There are 3 main types of vaporizers:

Portable Vaporizers

The first category of vaporizers you should consider is portable vaporizers. These are designed to be used when you are not near a plug in outlet, and can be used virtually anywhere since they draw power from a battery. They are the most suitable option for someone looking to use their vaporizer anywhere that doesn’t have a power outlet.

Unless you’re going to be vaping exclusively at home, you may want to consider a portable. They are comparable to e-cigs however they are typically used to vaporize herbs such as cannabis (both by recreational and medicinal users).


Benefits of Portable Vaporizers

  • Their convenient

Like I said previously, portables can be used virtually anywhere. Which makes them extremely convenient. They are very discreet, and many of them look pretty inconspicuous. If people see you using one in public, chances are they’ll assume it’s just an e-cig.

  • For health reasons

Experts argue that vapes are much healthier than smoking. Whether your using marijuana or tobacco, or really any other herbs, your much better of vaporizing if you’re concerned about your health. Vaporizers are much easier on your lungs than smoking.

  • They produce virtually no smell.

Long gone are the days of smelling like a sack of weed after you’ve just kicked a sesh. Vaporizers produce virtually no smoke, and the little odor that they do give off doesn’t smell like burnt weed at all. To me it resembles a pop corn smell (weird I know).

Disadvantages of Portable Vaporizers

Some portable vaporizers have a short battery life, so you might not enjoy long durations of usage without interruptions. However, many higher end models on the market boast very long battery lives, even in excess of 3-4 hours of usage per charge. 

For example, the mighty vaporizer, which is voted among the best, boasts over a 4 hour batter life. It’s worth taking a look at if you’re considering a portable, however it’s got a steep price tag. 

Overall, when buying a portable, you’ll want to invest in a unit that has a good battery life.

You should do you’re own research and be sure to read portable vaporizer reviews before you make a final decision and purchase a vaporizer. 

Desktop Vaporizers

Desktops are vaporizers that draw power from an electrical outlet, and must remain plugged in at all times when you want to use them. They are great for people looking to vaporize in the comfort of their own home.

However since they can’t be taken on the go, they aren’t ideal for everyone.


Benefits of Desktop Vaporizers

  • Better vapor quality

Typically desktop vaporizers deliver better vapor quality than most portables, for a few reasons. They tend to be bigger, so the manufacturers are able to install more components, and often times better components. I personally always opt for desktops, since I almost exclusively vaporize when I’m at home.

  • Unlimited battery life

Since desktops draw power from an electrical outlet, your not limited by a battery. You can use them for as long as you want, and never have to charge it (obviously).

Disadvantages of Desktop Vaporizers

  • You can’t take them anywhere

Since desktops must remain plugged in, and they tend to be quite large; they are not convenient to transport. You’re pretty limited to where you can use them.

The most popular desktop vaporizer on the market is probably the Volcano, which is made by Storz & Bickel (the same company that makes the Mighty)

Vape Pens

The third type of vaporizer is vape pens. These little devices are awesome if you like concentrates, and their is also tons herb pens on the market as well. They are called vape pens because they are shaped like a pen…

Shocking right?


Advantages of Vape Pens

Vape pens come with a better battery life and can take you through a day depending on how often you vape.

  • Cost effectiveness

Vape pens come with atomizer tanks that you can refill or replace at a small cost. Which is much cheaper than buying a brand new vaporizer.

  • Conveniently portable

Portability is another issue you will note about vape pens that is key. Although vapes have better portability, vape pens are also reasonably portable and you can get types that are smaller than box mods.

You can enjoy an awesome vaping experience as there is a lot of volume that allows you to enjoy satisfaction to the highest level, which is unlike vaporizers that give you subpar volumes of vapor.

Disadvantages of Vape Pens

Now that you have seen the benefits you will enjoy when you choose a vape pen, it is also necessary to discuss some of the drawbacks you should expect when you choose this type of vaporizer.

Here are few you need to know about:

  • You will have to cope with the lack of temperature or power control
  • The vapor quality is typically not as good when compared to portables or desktops

Vape pens are a popular choice since they are extremely discreet, and portable. However if vapor quality if your main concern, they might not be for you.

Things to Look For When Buying a Vaporizer

Besides knowing which vaporizers are in the market, you also need to understand some of the most important things you should consider when looking for one. The features highlighted above are not enough to help you choose as all of them offer advantages that you can rely on.

To make it simple to choose a vaporizer that will be ideal for you, here are the main things you’ll want to consider:

  • Functionality

Functionality is where you have to look at all the features included in a vaporizer. Limited functionality might be a drawback that could make your ownership journey an uphill task. One of the things you might be looking for is customization options including things like heat, which is something you will not find in most of the vaporizers available on the market. In case this is one of your priorities, you would most likely choose from box mods as in this category you are more likely to find the customization options you need.

  • Build Quality

Build quality is also a point you might refer to when looking for a vaporizer. You want to buy a unit that is made out of high quality materials.

You also want to look for a vaporizer that has your desired features. Most portable vaporizers will give you temperature customization, but you have different types that lack such features and thus you have to cope with the nuances. It is about getting a fulfilling experience, so you might need to consider every subtle detail that could help you get the best out of a vaporizer.

  • Portability

Many of us would like to have a vaporizer in our pockets to enjoy the experience at different places. This is where the issue about portability comes in. There are vaporizers that are too huge to fit in your pocket and if you happen to carry one the discomfort is plausible. If portability is your priority, you should consider either a portable or a vape pen, as these offer the most portable options.

However, sometimes this advantage comes at the expense of other things like the inclusion of important features.

  • Ease of use

One very important thing beginners miss is the ease of use of a vaporizer and why it is necessary to have this in mind when looking for one. It should be easy to use especially if you are transitioning from smoking to vaping. That is why beginners are encouraged to start with portables or vape pens because they give you room to learn more about vaporizers.

  • What’s your budget?

How much are you planning to spend on a vaporizer?

Your budget also influences the choice you make of a vaporizer. You should choose a vaporizer that is within your budget, mostly vape pens, which are cheaper to acquire and having one is cheaper as you don’t consume a lot.

You don’t just think about the cost of getting a new unit alone, but how costly is it to keep it with you?

As seen above, there are many reasons why you should consider getting a vaporizer. However, this is not to mean these are perfect and don’t have any flaws.

Buying a vaporizer is a key decision you have to make after searching through different types on the market. Most newbies panic at the sight of the many types of vaporizers they have to choose from, but this should not be the case if you narrow your search based on particular points. Your comfort and preferences are a prime point of view that should help you know which type of vaporizer to pick from the many available. Try the guidelines discussed above to see if you can choose the most suitable vaporizer for your needs.

How to Get Higher When Smoking Weed

How To Get Higher:
10 Tricks To Intensify Your High

Written by: Taylor Walker | Updated: March 23rd, 2019

Have you ever wondered if it’s possible to intensify your high?

If you are reading this, obviously you are looking for some tips and tricks on how to get higher when smoking weed. Well, you have come to the right place! We have carefully conducted the research and experimentation in order to bring you the answers you seek.

The high from cannabis comes from the cannabinoids present in your herb, like THC for example.

When these cannabinoids enter the body, they travel via the bloodstream and eventually hit particular receptors in the brain. This encounter and the neurotransmission reactions are what produce the effects. The amount of cannabinoids in the body, as well as the speed in which they travel to the brain, dictates how high you get when smoking weed.

If you're like most people that use marijuana regularly, you might find that you don't get as high as you used to when you first started smoking. 

This is because when you use marijuana frequently, your body will build up a tolerance to the cannabinoids you're ingesting.

10 Tricks to Get Higher on Weed ?

There are multiple ways to intensify your high when using marijuana, even if you have a high tolerance. 

In this article, we'll go over a number of tried and tested weed tricks that are sure to get you higher than ever before.

Tip #1 - Switch methods of getting high

This one should hopefully be common sense for most people, but it is still very underestimated. Everybody has a device or smoking method that they usually stick to. You should try switching it up, and using a different device or method to smoke. Your body will eventually build up a tolerance to different methods if you don't switch it up.

I personally usually use a pipe, but when I switch it up and use a bong or smoke a joint, I notice I get much higher than normal.

Here are some methods to try out the next time you get high:

  • Bongs or bubblers: Allows you to inhale a much bigger, smoother hit due to the water filter and cooling.
  • Gravity bongs: Allows you to inhale massive hits with minimal inhalation effort.
  • Pipes: No potential for THC to get trapped during the filtration process as with other methods.
  • check
    Vaporizers: Allows you to heat the herb to an optimum temperature, therefore not destroying the psychoactive chemicals in the cannabis.
  • check
    Edibles: Eating marijuana gives you a totally different high. It's much longer (sometimes upwards of 8 hours) and is more of a body high.

Tip #2 - Inhale as deep as possible

As mentioned, effective inhalation is a crucial factor in determining how high you will get. Unfortunately, there are an unbelievable amount of people that are just not maximizing their inhale and are therefore wasting their time, and more importantly, their ganja!

The most common mistake is not inhaling the smoke into the lungs. When hitting a bong, pipe, vape, etc. it is important that you breathe the THC-filled cloud into your lungs for it to sit before exhaling again.

Tip #3 - Find high THC strains of weed 

There are three main variations of marijuana strains; Indica, Sativa, and Hybrids.

Each of these variations brings a different experience.

  • Indica’s are known to be more relaxing and good for anxiety, and can be very sedative. If you've ever smoked weed that made you wanna sink into the couch, it was likely an indica strain.
  • Sativa’s are considered more energetic and at times ‘trippy’. For this reason, I mainly smoke sativa strains during the day, since they don't pooch you out like indica strains.
  • Hybrids are right in the middle and have characteristics of both Sativa's and Indica's.

Find the strain that gets you to where you want to go and enjoy the ride.

Another thing worth mentioning is that if you smoke the same strain of marijuana for an extended period of time, you might not get as high as you used to.

Try and switch up your strains as often as possible to prevent building a tolerance to any single strain.

Tip #4 - Grind your weed

Grinding up your weed nice and fine has many benefits. Firstly, it packs together much more neatly and allows for an even roast from the heat source.

This finely ground, and evenly packed, weed will produce much smoother smoke, giving you those bigger and better hits.

Most grinders come with a chamber for catching the potent fairy dust, known as Kief.

Tip #5 - Try using kief and dabs

Kief is the name given to the extremely fine THC trichomes that detach from the weed as it gets ground up. It can be collected by using a herb grinder with a kief catcher at the bottom, or by using a kief box.

In other words, kief is very concentrated THC powder. Sprinkle some of that on your bowl and you’re off!

Dabs are an extracted version of THC, as an oil form. This is also very concentrated, so it is very easy to get extra blitzed when adding this to your smoke.

Tip #6 - Eat mangoes!

Mangoes contain myrcene terpenes. Research shows myrcene intensifies the high and makes it last longer! Yeah, science!

Myrcene is a compound that can be found in various fruits, as well as cannabis. Prior to enjoying your next toke, try indulging in a mango or two.

The myrcene from a mango combines with the cannabis’ myrcene and actually helps move the THC to your brain faster and more efficiently, resulting in a more intense high with prolonged effects.

Tip #7 - Try smoking blends

Depending on the current laws in your country, you may be able to buy or create your own smoking blend.

Kratom, a natural herb native to Southeast Asia, is used around the world for various medicinal and recreational reasons, similar to cannabis.

This herb produces its own positive effects on euphoria, anxiety, sleep, pain.

Making it a perfect choice to partner with some Mary Jane.

Other smokeable herbs exist that have been reported to provide an extra boost to a cannabis high. Herbs such as Damiana, Wild Dagga, Blue Lotus, Tobacco, Passion Flower, and Kanna are just a few of the common ones, each bringing something different to the experience.

Although not recommended or necessarily enjoyable, small amounts of alcohol when smoking weed has been known to add an intense flare to a smoking high. This experience can be very subjective, however, and may be unpleasant for some.

You can also try mixing your strains of marijuana. By adding different cannabinoids to your bowl or joint, you will no doubt get higher. Each strain of marijuana contains different cannabinoids, and each of them has a different effect.

Tip #8 - Change your scenery

Believe it or not, changing the environment you are smoking in can boost you higher.

For example, if you normally smoke inside, then try smoking outside in nature. This may open you up to a whole new level of consciousness. (I realize this sounds like something a hippy would say, but just trust me and try it!)

Tip #9 - Try smoking post-workout

Purely from various anecdotal reports, many people report feeling an increased high if they smoke up following a rigorous exercise session. You will also benefit from the muscle relaxing qualities of some good chronic!

I can say from my own personal experience that I usually get highest after I've just finished a good workout.

Not only is it great for relaxation after a hard workout, but I also find I get super stoned after I get back from the gym.

(I often use this as my motivation to go to the gym)

Tip #10 - Take a tolerance break

I’m sure nobody wants to hear this but it’s almost a guarantee. If you smoke less frequently or take a break for a period of time, the next toke you have will be a memorable one!

Tolerance breaks can be extremely effective if you want to get higher when using marijuana. When you use marijuana on a daily basis, your body will build up a tolerance. 

Try taking a few days or a week+ off, and see your tolerance drop.

You will undoubtedly get higher when you come back from your break.

I personally take a 3-5 day tolerance break at the end of every month, to keep my tolerance low enough to get high every time I smoke.

In Conclusion

As you can see, there are so many different techniques you can try to help get you higher when smoking weed. To ensure you have the most success, you can easily combine any of the ideas we discussed in this article.

An important thing to remember is to stay hydrated and if you intend on increasing your cannabis high, do so in a safe environment and only to a level that you feel comfortable.

Be sure to check back with us if you're ever looking for weed vaporizer reviews! When we're not creating value based articles like this one, our #1 goal at iMarijuanit is to provide our users with unbiased reviews.

Prescription Drugs You Can Replace with Medical Marijuana

It has been proven that medical cannabis serves as a perfect and natural medicine to help treat many conditions in the safest way possible. Further research and use may prove that it is an ideal alternative for many pharmaceutical drugs and the best way to avoid a plethora of harmful side effects. It is safe, harmless and has a huge medical potential to treat whole spectra of diseases and conditions.

The plant is finally reaching the point of being legalized in many parts of the world, both for medical and recreational use. Companies like People’s OC offer legal marijuana-based medicine like extracts or flowers, as the plant is already legally distributed in California. Research is showing that cannabis may help treat and ease many ailments ranging from depression and pain and even more serious conditions like Alzheimer’s, epilepsy or even cancer.

In this article, we will try to break down a list of most used and abused pharmaceutical drugs which can easily be replaced by cannabis:

Side-effect Killer

First of all, we need to mention painkillers. They are probably most used and abused drug for pain in the USA. Statistics have shown that a total of 44 deaths per day are caused by painkiller overdose and misuse, they are very easy to find and very difficult to keep away from.

Recent studies have shown that cannabis can be used to treat pain. More importantly, there are no side effects or a risk of becoming addicted, which should be seriously considered when attempting to use pharmaceutical painkillers.

Cannabis is a natural and care-free way of treating pain, no harmful chemicals are used to produce it, and therefore there is no direct harm to your body or mind.

Anxiety – A Modern Man’s Unwelcome Guest

Anxiety is a very common condition and can cause big problems in our lives. It hinders our daily activities and there is just no easy way of treating it. That’s why people resort to ‘’quickest’’ prescription medical solutions like Valium or Xanax which can be very dangerous because our bodies can easily develop resistance which then urges a bigger dose and it is a perfectly paved way to addiction.

Cannabis has proven to be the best replacement for these drugs for many users, although it still can cause an increase in anxiety, especially for new users, who are not yet used to the state our bodies and mind go into after consuming it.

Stimulant Drugs – Thanks, But No Thanks!

People with ADHD diagnosis are prescribed drugs like Ritalin or Adderall. These are so-called performance drugs which help people concentrate, maintain focus, reduce appetite, and overall increase performance for anything they try to do.

They are commonly used among younger people like students, often recklessly because they want to always be at their best. Side effects are present of course and include high blood pressure, insomnia, nervousness, headache, etc.

Anti-depressants are NOT Your Friends

Our organisms produce a chemical called endo-cannabinoids which are bound to the same receptors in the body as phytocannabinoids that are found in cannabis. Constant exposure to stress has a negative effect on your body and results in a reduced amount of endocannabinoids produced which leads to sadness, boredom, indifference, and depression.

It has been proven that cannabis helps stabilize mood, especially for non-regular users. It calms you down but it also helps you think and focus on current problems and how to deal with those in a way appropriate for you as a perfect stress reliever.

It is worth mentioning that there were cases where cannabis only strengthened symptoms of
depression, but more adequate research is needed to confirm that.

Say Goodbye to Insomnia

Cannabis is a perfect way to help you fall asleep easier and have a longer sleep without feeling dazed or tired afterward. It is also a safe solution since many side-effects, caused by pharmaceutical insomnia drugs like headaches, stomach aches, shaking, and most importantly, overdose are all safely avoided. Contact People’s OC at 2721 S Grand Ave, Santa Ana, CA 92705, USA; 714-582- 3446

5 Health Benefits of Marijuana

Recreational marijuana consumption is highly criticized around world and to some extent, for valid reasons. However, some concur – including CNN’s medical correspondent Sanjay Gupta – that it can also be beneficial to your health more so at improving an individual’s quality of life. More than 23 states in the U.S. have legalized medical marijuana with others expected to slowly follow suit.
In fact, some cities such as Seattle and Denver admit that recreational marijuana actually plays a crucial role in the economy.

Here are 5 known benefits of marijuana:

Vaporizing Marijuana Boosts Lung Health

A recent study by the Journal of the American Medical Association revealed that contrary to common perception, pot doesn’t have any negative effects on the lungs’ overall functionality and in fact, can go a long way in boosting your lung capacity. Researchers found that those who indulged in cigarette smoking for twenty years had deteriorated lung function, while on the flip-side, marijuana consumers over the same period showed increased lung capacity.

Vaporizers come in all shapes and sizes and some are better than others. Websites such as Cannavapos provide information about vaporizers.

Using a vaporizer is a great way to get all of the medicinal benefits of marijuana without harming your lungs or getting bad breath (which is what smoking marijuana is known for).

Mitigates Cancer Growth

Another study by the California Pacific Medical Center based in San Francisco identified that Cannabidiol – a chemical found in marijuana – works at mitigating the spreading of cancer by basically switching off a gene referred to as Id-1. The cancer cells in a patient’s body are known to duplicate the gene in thousands – more than the non-cancerous cells – and hence, enhancing the spread of the deadly cells. After treating breast cancer cells with Cannabidol, the researchers noted significant reduction in the generation of the Id-1 gene and generally, the spread of cancer.

Anxiety and Stress Relief

A recent study conducted by the Harvard Medical School pinpointed that the drug’s ability to enhance the smoker’s mood and reduce anxiety while at it may actually be the main reason behind its sedative prowess. Worth noting, though, is a higher dose of marijuana can also increase anxiety through paranoia.

Treatment of Glaucoma

Glaucoma is a common eye disease known to exert pressure in the eyeball, which impairs the optic nerve before causing total loss of vision eventually. According to the National Eye Institute, marijuana can significantly mitigate the exerted pressure inside the eye by reducing intra-ocular pressure (IOP) – it also happens to smokers with normal pressure. The drug’s ability to slow Glaucoma progression can therefore go a long in preventing blindness altogether.

Controls Epileptic Seizures

After inducing synthetic marijuana and marijuana extracts to epileptic rats, Robert J. DeLorenzo – a researcher at Virginia Commonwealth University – found that the drugs actually got rid of the seizures; even though for 10 hours. Some chemical agents in marijuana combated the seizures by bonding to the brain cells behind relaxation regulation and excitability control.

These are just a few of the many benefits to using marijuana. A lot has been said about the negative effects of marijuana, but the bottom line is, the benefits greatly outweigh the negatives.

Best Ways to Smoke Wax | 5 Different Ways to Smoke Shatter

Best Ways to Smoke Shatter/Concentrates

Concentrates are much more popular today than they were even just a few years ago. The current dabbing trend doesn’t show any signs of going way, if fact it is increasing in popularity and spawning even newer trends like e-nails and e-rigs for the pleasure of the dabbing community.

A wide variety of concentrates can be found in dispensaries across the US in states where cannabis had been legalized. Concentrates usually have intentionally high concentrations of either tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is known for its pain-killing and psychoactive effects, or cannabidiol (CBD) which offers several health benefits without the ‘high’ feelings typically associated with cannabis.

The method that you choose for the consumption of your concentrates is important. Using the right method can greatly enhance the positive effects that concentrates have on your body and mind. There are however, several options to choose from when deciding the best way to smoke concentrates like wax, oil or hash.

So you may be thinking, how do you smoke shatter?

Let’s have a look at the best methods to smoke shatter/concentrates so that you can decide which is the best option for you!

Best Vaporizers for Concentrates

One of the easiest and most popular ways to consume concentrates is with a vaporizer.

There are basically two types of vaporizers: the ‘desktop’ type or the portable type. Desktop vaporizers are usually meant to be used at home and while you can use many of them with concentrates, the portable ones tend to be better suited for this purpose.

High-quality portable vaporizers like the Muad Dib by Magic Flight and pen vaporizers such as the Cloud V Platinum are very good options for those who are looking to vaporize their concentrates and get excellent vapor quality. 

There is no shortage of portable vaporizers and vape pens for shatter on the market, and finding one is as simple as checking out some of our vape pen reviews.

One big advantage of consuming cannabis concentrates with a vaporizer is that they are really good at preserving the natural flavor of the concentrates. The pure flavor of the concentrates is preserved especially well in vaporizers that do not directly combust the materials placed inside them. The health benefit of using vaporizers is also a significant factor to consider as vaping is a lot easier on your lungs than some of the other methods of inhaling concentrates.  

E-Nails and E-Rigs

Dabbing has gained increased popularity recently as more cannabis connoisseurs embrace this way of consuming concentrates that is thought to be a cleaner, healthier experience. Many smokers that consume concentrates find that the best way to smoke shatter is with an e-nail or an e-rig.

E-rigs and e-nails are two of the newer tools used for dabbing concentrates. Modern portable e-rigs such as the Dr Dabber Boost don’t even require the use of a torch as their predecessors did. Many people don’t feel comfortable using a blowtorch! Especially when they are getting high. The original e-rig would have to be used with some type of torch as the heat source. The Dr Dabber Boost e-rig uses a titanium nail that heats up a mere 30 seconds after you press a button to turn it on.

E-nails are not as well known as vaporizers but they are still an effective way of consuming hash and other cannabis concentrates. An e-nail, for example, is essentially a metal box that has a coil, a switch (sometimes 2) and a PID to gauge the temperature of the coil. The coil keeps the temperature of the nail steady and this allows the user to get more out of their concentrates. Titanium, ceramic or quartz is usually used to make the ‘nail’ in the device.  

The biggest advantage of using an e-nail is that it allows you to maintain a steady temperature. E-nails like the Dab Ninja will give you the option of smoking your concentrates or vaping them, depending on the temperature settings that you choose. Options like that are good. The Dab Ninja is also portable, easy to use and it is one of the best electronic nails available on the market today.

Smoking Concentrates

Most persons who are trying concentrates for the first time will crumble some concentrate like hash or break up some wax into tiny pieces and add a small amount to a the dried herb in a joint, bong toke or pipe and smoke it. This way they get to experience the more potent world of concentrates without potentially being overwhelmed and they will also have a better idea of what the full on experience will be like.

Smoking concentrates does however, waste much of their content as they get destroyed by direct contact with the heat source in the act of smoking. It is not exactly an efficient way of consuming most concentrates. Vaping or dabbing allow you to get much more use out of concentrates than smoking does. It is not recommended that you smoke concentrates unless you just want to experiment with them or have no other alternative.

The method that will be best for you will be, for the most part, a personal preference. Hopefully you now know a lot more about the different options that are available to you than you did before you started reading this article. In that case you will now be able to make an informed decision. Whichever device you choose you should be aware that concentrates made from cannabis are very potent so only use them if you definitely know that you have a high tolerance level or if you have the help of someone who is experienced with the use of concentrates.


Edible items such as candy, pastries and even some savory food items that are are made with cannabis concentrates as one of their ingredients are broadly referred to as edibles. Popular examples of concentrates that are used to make edibles are cannabis butter or ‘canna-butter’ and cannabis oil. These can then be used as ingredients in recipes to make edibles such as ‘space cake’ or ‘magic brownies’.

The modern dispensary will not only have a wide selection of dried herbs and concentrates, they will typically also have a selection of edibles as well. In fact there are many cannabis retail stores that focus only on the sale of edibles. Edibles are also very popular among medical marijuana users, especially those who do not want to have to smoke or dab in order to experience the health benefits of cannabis.

If you want to read some of our vaporizer, or e-nail reviews, be sure to click here to browse our selection of reviews.

Hopefully after reading this article you’ll know how to smoke shatter and will become a concentrate fan like me. Leave me a comment down below if you enjoyed this article or if you have any questions.

The Best Vape Pen’s for Shatter

The Best Vape Pens for Concentrates

Today we’re going to be looking at the best vape pens for shatter and other forms of melty concentrates. There are so many options today in the market that it can be overwhelming when trying to figure out what is the best device overall. At iMarijuanit, our goal is to provide our readers with un-biased information to help them pick the best vaporizer to suit their needs.

To make everything easier, we’re going to give you all our top 3 picks for vape pens in a short and concise format. With all that out of the way, let’s look at the top 3 vape pens on the market for shatter and concentrates!

#1 Pick The Source Orb 4

The Source Orb 4 is the most versatile vape pen I have ever had the pleasure of using. Included with the kit is a range of many atomizers that are perfect for literally anyone’s preference.

You like thick clouds, and potent vapor? The dual quartz coil atomizer is perfect for that.

Do you like lighter, and tastier vapor? Be sure to check out the Quartz Plus Ceramic atomizer, it is the best coil-less atomizer currently on the market in my very strong opinion. Also, those 2 atomizers don’t even scratch the surface as to what’s included. Depending on which kit you purchase, you are given 6-8 atomizers for you to choose from.

Yes, that’s right, 6-8 different atomizers.

Each kit comes with a way to finely adjust the temperature. The Premium kit comes with a pen style battery which has a dial on the bottom to finely adjust voltage, while the Signature kit uses a box type battery with full temperature control like you would find on an herbal vaporizer.

The Signature Kit makes dialing in your preferred temperature a breeze and is great for the beginner who has just been introduced to concentrates, or even the seasoned connoisseur.

There’s a little bit of everything with the Source Orb 4 which is why we recommend it so strongly.


● Most Versatile Vape Pen on the Market.

● Best Overall Value

#2 Pick – Kandypens Gravity

The Gravity by Kandypens is one of the best options you have if you are looking for a pen that strictly delivers smooth and tasty vapor via a coil-less atomizer.

The Kandypens Galaxy’s ceramic coil-less atomizer creates a fantastic vapor experience. The atomizer allows you to get those large clouds and potent hits without sacrificing the smoothness and flavor of your vapor.

This vape pen comes equipped with 3 different heat settings so you can dial in the temperature to your preferences.

Also, the Gravity has a “Sesh Mode” which lets the atomizer heat for an extended period of time without having to hold the button. This is cool because you can put it in “sesh mode” and pass it around a circle fast without anyone having to do anything special.

The built-in ceramic dabber makes this pen the easiest to load. Simply scoop up a dab with the dabber, and screw on the mouthpiece. When you hit the power button, the concentrate will melt off the dabber and onto the ceramic.

I like this because not everyone is the most elegant dabber, especially beginners. I can’t count the number of times I’ve been handed a sticky vape pen with oil all around the edges of the atomizer because the pen is hard to load.

The Gravity by Kandypens doesn’t have this issue and is very intuitive to load every time it’s time to have a session.


● Best Dedicated Coil-less Vape Pen.

● Ceramic Coil-less chamber offers excellent vapor quality

● Easy to load and go

#3 PickKandypens Galaxy

Not everyone is looking for a vape pen that delivers light and flavorful vapor. I’ve met a number of people who only care about getting the biggest cloud, and the most potent vapor possible. If you happen to fall into that category I highly recommend the Kandypens Galaxy. It offers a hard-hitting package in a small and discrete size.

Coming equipped with its dual quartz atomizer, this thing hits hard. That’s what this pen was intended to do and excels at.

The Galaxy comes with 3 different heats settings.

Even though the quartz coils are best for getting dense clouds and potent vapor, they also do produce pretty tasty vapor on the lowest heat setting. However, flavor still pales in comparison to the coil-less options offered by the Puffco plus and Source Orb 4.

If you’re just worried about getting a device that hits hard every time, look no further than the Kandypens Galaxy.


● Huge, dense cloud production.

● Very potent vapor.

● Small and Discrete Simple Design.

Overall Conclusion

You really can’t go wrong with any of these offerings, but each one may appeal to different people depending on what you prefer.

If you want a vape pen that does a little bit of everything, The Source Orb 4 has you covered.

Alternatively, if you are simply looking for something that hits hard with no fancy bells or whistles, the Kandypens Galaxy won’t let you down.

I have had great experiences with all of these devices, and we hope you’ll share those good experiences with us once you purchase one of these quality devices!

Starbuzz E Hose Review

The Starbuzz E Hose is a portable e-hookah that you can take virtually anywhere! It produces massive clouds of tasty smooth vapor, just like a traditional hookah!

Look & Design

The E Hose is a very unique product and looks similar to the handle and mouth piece of a standard hookah whip, minus the whip. It is an amazing way to vaporize Shisha. The E Hose uses custom flavor cartridges that are both delicious and extremely cheap.

They come in a variety of flavors including:

  • Apple
  • Blue Mist
  • Code 69
  • Grape
  • Green Savior
  • Peach
  • Pink
  • Pirate’s Cave
  • Queen of Sex
  • Sex on the Beach
  • Mango
  • Simply Mint
  • Sweet Melon
  • White Mint

The Starbuzz is quite large for a portable, but is still small enough to be taken virtually anywhere!

Vapor Quality

The vapor production on this e-hookah is amazing. The clouds that this vaporizer produces are massive. It delivers a smooth tasting vapor and the cartridges provide amazing flavor.


It is very similar to using a proper hookah with charcoal. I was utterly surprised how similar using the Starbuzz is to using a regular hookah.

Battery Life

One of the best features on the Starbuzz E Hose is it’s extremely long battery life. This portable boasts a 3 hour batter life which in my opinion is incredible.

I’m a big fan of how reliable the battery life is on the E Hose. With most portables you need to stress about whether your battery will last you til the end of the day but with the Starbuzz you can have confidence in the battery life lasting longer than you need it to.


The Starbuzz E Hose is a great way to vaporize Shisha and I would highly recommend it. This product is a lot of fun to use, and it’s incredibly reliable. You really can’t go wrong with this e-hookah, it’s solid.

Where to buy?

We recommend buying this vaporizer from VaporNation.comClick the link below, and you’ll receive a discount on their site.

Best E-Nails for Dabs? | E-Nail Buyers Guide

The Best E-nails For Dabs:
My Top 5 Recommended E-Nail's

 What Is A “E-Nail”?

For the 1 or 2 people that have stumbled upon this article that don’t already know what an e-nail is. An e-nail is an electric nail for dabbing concentrates. They are an alternative to heating up your nail with a torch, and if your into dabbing, they are a must have!

If you’ve ever “dabbed” before, your well aware that the classic torch and nail setup can be a bit of a pain in the ass, as you have to re-heat the nail every single time you want to hit a dab.

With e-nails, you can set your desired temperature and it’ll stay heated until you turn it off!

Since the use of concentrates has exploded recently, so has the amount of portable electric dab rigs on the market. This is great for many reasons but it also means there is no shortage of low quality e-nails for sale. Our entire team here at iMarijuanit are huge fans of dabbing, and we all take dab rips in our morning meeting on a daily basis!

Unless you know what to look for you could get stuck with less than perfect electric nail for dabbing. This article was made to help concentrate users find the best e-nail dab rig to suit their needs!

What Are The Best E-Nails On The Market?

There are tons of great e-nails on the market, and there are even morelow-qualityy ones. I’ve tried quite a few e-nails over the years, and I’ve narrowed this article down to my top 5 portable e-rigs/e-nails.

The Dab Ninja E-Nail

The Dab Ninja is similar to most traditional e-nails in the sense that it has a base which allows you to control the temperature that attaches to the coil. The one thing that sets this e-nail apart from the rest is it’s convenience due to how portable it is. The base is very small compared to the other e-nails on the market.

As far as performance goes, this is my favorite e-nail. The heat up time on the Dab Ninja is very quick, and according to my temperature probe, it’s temperature is very precise.

The Dab Ninja comes with a nail that attaches to any 14mm or 18mm glass bong. I highly recommend this e-nail if your looking for a high quality traditional electronic nail.

Want to buy the Dab Ninja? Click the button below for 25% off and free shipping across the United States!


Cloud V Electro Portable E-Nail

The Electro is a new style of e-nail made by Cloud V. It is a bubbler and an e-nail built into one portable unit. It’s what they call an “e-rig” style electronic nail.

Long story short, this thing rips. I’m a huge fan of the Cloud V Electro, and it quickly became my favorite e-nail to use once I picked it up for myself. It has exceptional battery life, and the functionality and vapor quality is outstanding. It’s the best e-nail for dabs in my opinion because everything is built into one simple unit, and not only that but it’s portable.

The Cloud V Electro has a titanium nail built in, that heats up very quickly and delivers smooth and massive clouds. You are able to get some pretty milky hits from this little device, and the water attachment makes them very smooth. It is unlike any other vaporizer or e-nail I’ve ever tried before, and in my opinion is a must have for any concentrate fans like myself.

If your interested in the Electro by Cloud V, click the button below for free shipping and 25% off!


The Dr Dabber Boost

The Boost by Dr Dabber is a portable e-rig that is very similar looking to the Clouv V Electro. This unit delivers some very impressive vapor quality and boasts over a 2 hour battery life which is very impressive when compared to other e-rigs on the market.

This unit is a great choice in my opinion if your looking for an e-rig style electronic nail. It has all of the features to look for in a portable nail, with a solid battery life and excellent vapor production. The heat up time is lightning fast, and you’ll be vaping massive clouds within 45 seconds of turning on the unit.

Dr Dabber is known for producing quality products and selling them at very reasonable prices! So needless to say the Boost is beyond afforadable and retails for only 149.99$ which makes it the cheapest e-nail in this article, and also the cheapest electronic nail we’ve ever tried!

Don’t let it’s low price point fool you, this e-nail is made out of quality materials and packs a serious punch!

Use the link below for a huge discount on the Boost by Dr Dabber and free shipping!


Source Nail by Source Vapes

The Source Nail is another e-rig style nail however this might be the most portable e-nail on the market. This unit is much smaller than other e-rigs on the market such as the Electro or the Boost.

This portable e-rig delivers some impressive tasting vapor and also has a veryy solid battery life as well. Source Vapes are known for adding solid batteries to their vaporizers and their e-nails are no different. You can easily squeeze over 2 hours of consistent usage out of this portable e-nail, without any issues.

The Source Nail is an excellent option if your looking for something super portable that you can take virtually anywhere!


The Torrid E-Nail by White Rhino

The Torrid e-nail is an electric dab nail made by a company called White Rhino. It is not your traditional e-nail in the sense that it is cordless. It is a portable and re-chargeable electronic nail that attaches to most glass bongs and water pipes. It even features a reclaim chamber if your into saving your reclaim for later!

The Torrid has a super powerful triple coil ceramic rod atomizer. Which delivers fat clouds when dabbing. Believe it or not this product outperforms most plug-in e-nails in delivering fat clouds of dab vapor.

You can get some pretty massive hits from this small little device, don’t be fooled by it’s size.

If your interested in buying the Torrid e-nail, click the button below for free shipping and up to 25% off!

I hope this article helped you find an e-nail that suited your needs, and more importantly your budget!

Why Should You Buy an E-Nail?

Electronic nails provide a unique way for concentrate fans to vaporizer oils and wax. E-nails are one of the preferred ways to smoke dabs by most seasoned concentrate users. They make dabbing much easier when compared to the standard old school torch and nail setup.

E-nails give the user full control over the temperature settings allowing them to finely tune it to however they like to vaporizer their concentrates. This is a huge bonus especially for seasoned concentrate smokers because everyone has their own preferred temperature for optimal flavor and smoothness!

The vapor quality and taste that most electronic nails produce is much better than the traditional torch and nail setup. Since you can precisely control the temperature, your overall vapor quality is much better than you will get from heating a nail up with a torch.

Unless of course your some kind of torch jedi… In which case you should stick to a torch and nail!

All jokes aside once you use an electronic nail, you won’t ever want to go back to the old torch and nail way of dabbing. E-nails are a much more convenient way of vaporizing concentrates, and it’s a night and day difference when your talking about convenience if you ask me.

Pro’s and Con’s of E-Nail Dabbing


  1. You have full control over the temperature. This allows you to finely tune it to your preferred temperature
  2. They nail stays heated so you don’t have to consistently reheat them, unlike with a torch and nail
  3. The vapor quality you’re able to get is much better since you can precisely control the temperature


  1. Since the nail stays hot for long periods of time, you need to be extra careful when using them especially indoors