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The Benefits of Vaping: Pros & Cons

As vaping soars in popularity, many of us who use traditional methods of smoking weed (or tobacco) are making the move to it. If you are considering making the switch and get into the vaping mania then this article will provide you with the needed info for the pros and cons of the switch.

This article is also meant for those who are interested in smoking weed or cigarettes but never did so due to the numerous negative effects of doing it in the traditional combustion based manner. 

My goal is to paint a full picture of all the positive and negatives sides of vaping; all put forward in a clear and direct manner to save you the trouble of spending countless hours on researching the topic online.

I've been using vaporizers for over 7 years with both marijuana & tobacco products, and I've spent more on my habit than any man should.

Beside's owning over 50 vaporizers, and using multiple on a daily basis for years. I've also spent lots of my time over the years researching the health benefits of vaping, since I've had asthma ever since I was a child. 

I'm going to be going over what I believe to be the 5 most important benefits and downsides to using a vaporizer. Here are 10 things I would of liked to know before I started using a vaporizer.

Benefits of Using a Vaporizer

1. Long Term Savings

You might not believe that buying a vaporizer will save you money, but hear me out. Due to the efficiency of using a vaporizer, you will actually get more out of your stash allowing you to conserve over a longer period of time. When you use a vaporizer, it will take less weed or concentrates to get you stoned than if you were to use a bong, pipe or joint.

This allows your wax or dry herb to last longer so you would be getting the same amount of pleasure from less weed. Instead of your product burning away as long as your joint is lit, it is only used when you inhale. In the long run you will save a lot of money.

If you purchase your vaporizer from one of the top online vaporizer retailers, you'll be able to get a good deal as well. As long as you don't go buy a super expensive vaporizer, you're going to save money in the long run if you use weed often.

2. Less Odor & More Discreet

The odor released by a vaporizer is gone in minutes and the smell does not accumulate in your house and stick to your hair or clothes. Not only that, but the smell that vaporizers produce doesn't smell like the traditional burnt marijuana smell everyones used to smelling. In my opinion, it smells more like cooked popcorn than weed (not exactly but thats the closest smell I can think of as I sit here puffing on my Volcano).

When compared to smoking, vaporizers release a greatly reduced scent which allows you to eliminate odors and be discreet when meeting people that you do not want to be aware of your habit like family members or work colleagues for example.

Not to mention, if you use a portable vaporizer, you'll be able to use your vaporizer virtually anywhere.

3. Better Flavor

There is no doubt about it, whether your vaping dry herbs, concentrates, e-liquids or anything for that matter, the taste is much better when compared to smoking.

A lot of the flavors in your dry herbs are burned away when using the traditional combustion method of smoking. On the other hand, vapes offer flavor production of your botanical material. Because they do not burn your herbs or concentrates they simply heat them to the point where they release vapor which contains THC and other active cannabinoids.

One thing worth mentioning is that if you're trying to get the best flavor production possible from your vaporizer, it's worth investing in a desktop vaporizer since they are known to produce better flavor production.

4. Health Benefits

Unlike when you use a vaporizer, no matter what your smoking, your going to cause damage to your lungs. In addition, it does so while wasting important active cannabinoids in your stash. The health benefits of vaping is by far the most important reason why so many people are converting to use them to consume dry herbs and e-liquids.

By vaporizing instead of smoking, you can drastically reduce your risk of respiratory illnesses.

5. You Get Higher

There is no arguing that when you use a vaporizer, it is a much more intense high than when you smoke. This is because when you smoke marijuana, lots of the THC (the compound in marijuana that gets you high) is destroyed.

On the other hand, when you vaporize marijuana, more of the active THC is able to be ingested by the user. I assume most vaporizer users will agree with this (leave a comment down below if you agree or disagree). I’ve been using marijuana for over 10 years and I can definitely say that I never get higher than when I use my vaporizer.

It's one of my tips that I mention in this article about how to get higher on marijuana.

Potential Negative Side Effects of Vaping

1. Dizziness

This is only relevant if you vaporize tobacco. Nicotine is a stimulant that interacts with your nervous system and has its benefits such as stress relief. However, ingesting large quantities may lead to dizziness. If you begin to feel dizzy, stop using the vaporizer and breathe for a bit, your new best friend is not going anywhere. Know your body and adjust your usage to limit the chance of feeling dizzy.

When it comes to vaporizing weed, this does not apply. Although you might be a bit higher than normal, so that might make you dizzy.

2. Maintenance is Required

Unlike traditional smoking methods where you simply use your cigarettes or joints then throw them away without much hassle or preparation. You need to take care of your vaporizer and make sure that it is cleaned and maintained in order to make it last and ensure the best quality possible out of every usage. It might be a hassle at first but will become second nature with time.

A great benefit of using a vaporizer is that you will say goodbye to lighters for good. You will never feel frustrated when your lighter runs of juice again or angry when you discover that it was stolen or that you forgot it at home. However, the downside is that you can only use your vaporizer to smoke your dry herb or e-liquid when it is charged or plugged in. I usually keep my phone and vaporizer chargers next to each other so that I’m always reminded to plug it in whenever I charge my phone.

3. Dry Mouth

Just like when you smoke marijuana, using your vape can induce the sensation of a dry mouth. Thankfully, the fix is easy and good for you in general, just drink water and keep yourself well hydrated and you will completely eliminate the vaping related dry mouth sensation.  

4. Judgement From Others

We’ve all heard people trash talk vaporizers, and people who vape. Many people may give you judging looks, or your friends might throw chirps at you if they see you using a vaporizer.

Regardless, rep your vaporizer with pride. After all, it’s much more enjoyable than smoking. At the end of the day, if you're being made fun of by a smoker, you might just end up living longer than him. 

So in theory you can get your revenge and laugh at your bullies in the future when they get lung cancer... KIDDING. Of course.  

5. Initial Investment

The last downside is pretty obvious, but it's worth mentioning. Before you decide to start using a vaporizer to consume e-liquids, dry herbs or concentrates, he or she might be turned off by the price of vaporizers. Purchasing a vape is costly at first in comparison to traditional smoking methods, however as I've mentioned earlier, it will end up saving you money in the long run. Especially if you purchase a high quality vaporizer, that doesn't break the bank. Which you can do by reading some of our vaporizer reviews,  or our buyers guides.

Well, thats basically all I got for you. Please be sure to let me know in the comments section down below if you enjoyed this article, or if you didn't, either way I'd love to hear from you ?

About the Author Taylor

A marijuana enthusiast, vaporizer connoisseur, a frequent user of CBD and he's also the founder of

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